Influence of puerarin and berberine hydrochloride on concentrations of phenobarbital in cerebral tissues and plasma of rats
目的:探讨研究葛根素、盐酸小檗碱对大鼠脑组织和血浆中苯巴比妥浓度的影响。方法:120只SD大鼠随机分为空白对照1(苯巴比妥、8 mg·kg-1、ig)、2(苯巴比妥、6.7 mg·kg-1、iv)组、阳性对照(维拉帕米、10.3 mg·kg-1、ig)1、2组、葛根素(150 mg·kg-1、ig)1、2组、盐酸小檗碱(150 mg·kg-1、ig)1、2组共8组,分别给予相应药物后,阳性对照1组、葛根素1组及盐酸小檗碱1组按8 mg·kg-1 ig给予苯巴比妥,阳性对照2组、葛根素2组及盐酸小檗碱2组按6.7 mg·kg-1 iv给予苯巴比妥,分别在给药后2,4,6 h处死大鼠,取脑、血浆制备样品,采用高效液相色谱法,测定在2,4,6 h各组大鼠脑组织和血浆中苯巴比妥浓度的变化。结果:与对应空白对照组相比,阳性对照组、葛根素组、盐酸小檗碱组在2 h时大鼠脑组织中苯巴比妥浓度无明显变化(P>0.05),但在4 h和6 h时能显著增加大鼠脑组织中苯巴比妥浓度,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),血浆中苯巴比妥浓度在监测各时段均无明显变化(P>0.05)。与对应阳性对照组比,葛根素组、盐酸小檗碱组均无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:葛根素、盐酸小檗碱可以增加大鼠脑组织中苯巴比妥的浓度,对血浆中苯巴比妥浓度影响较小。
OBJECTIVE To study the influence of puerarin and berberine hydrochloride on concentration of phenobarbital in cerebral tissues and plasma of rats. METHODS A total 120 SD rats were randomly divided into 8 groups:blank control 1 (phenobarbital, 8 mg·kg-1, ig), black control 2 (phenobarbital, 6.7 mg·kg-1, iv), positive control (verapamil, 10.3 mg·kg-1, ig) group 1, 2, puerarin (150 mg·kg-1, ig) group1, 2, berberine hydrochloride (150 mg·kg-1, ig) group 1, 2. Rats received 8 mg·kg-1 ig phenobarbital in positive control group 1, puerarin group 1 and berberine hydrochloride group 1, and 6.7 mg·kg-1 iv phenobarbital in positive control group 2, berberine hydrochloride group 2 groups and berberine hydrochloride group 2. After 2 h, 4 h, and 6 h of medication, rats were put to death, respectively, and then brains and plasma were taken as samples. Concentrations of phenobarbital were observed in rat brain and plasma in each group. RESULTS Compared with corresponding blank control groups, positive control group, puerarin group and berberine hydrochloride group had no significant change of phenobarbital concentration in brain after 2 h (P>0.05), while after 4 h and 6 h phenobarbital concentration increased significantly (P<0.05). Phenobarbital concentration in plasma had no obvious change in each period. Compared with corresponding positive control group, puerarin group and berberine hydrochloride group had no obvious change (P>0.05). CONCLUSION Puerarin and berberine hydrochloride are able to increase phenobarbital concentrations in cerebral tissues of rats, but only have little influence on concentration of phenobarbital in plasma.
高效液相色谱法 / 苯巴比妥 / 葛根素 / 盐酸小檗碱 / 脑组织浓度 {{custom_keyword}} /
HPLC / phenobarbital / puerarin / berberine hydrochloride / concentration in cerebral tissues {{custom_keyword}} /
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